Monday, March 15, 2010

why read fiction

one friend said he does not (like to)
read narrative fiction because of its disconnect
with reality, because fiction offers
no "lessons", or no real / useful things to be learned or applied.

i am not going to opine on this,
because the stance is pure,
mind-boggled daffiness. if this friend was serious about it, that is.

sometimes people
say things just to not say nothing, if you know what i mean.
i generally do not understand that.
i am fine with not talking.
but the compulsion to just say things happens with
such typical frequency that it is what it is.
besides on occasion taking
due notice, a contrived asymmetrical brow set or a long sidewise glance,
it is of small overall consequence.
maybe i am wrong.
then as well, this feels such a small matter
to feel too awful for being wrong about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Books did not care who was reading them or whether one read them or not ... all readers were equal, herself included." The Uncommon Reader