Friday, May 23, 2008


Then what? Whee, a question.

Playing at the local theater is Reprise. I want to see it.

Reprise played, earlier, in the New Director New Films series, in 2007.1 There had since been another NDNF series, for 2008. Natural conclusion is that I did not see Reprise in 2007. Also featured in NDNF 07 was Once that I did/have not seen.

Hey, I didn't see anything from the 08 series.

What else?

There is the thing that, in fact, I have not caught much from most past NDNF series. Probably not since 02, if even. So. But. Okay, there goes my bitching about my slipping cool credentials for missing out on the good movies before they even blip on Joe/Joan Pleb's radar. I was never part of the cool crowd. NDNF is certainly probably as hit or miss as the majority of other film festivals/series. But there seems always, year in and out, to be significant hits based on movies I eventually got the chance to see because they got distribution or were screened at later festivals, or based on subsequent movies from directors that NDNF gave noticed to. To drop names: Wong Kar Wai's Days of Being Wild in 91, Hou Hsiao Hsien's A Summer at Grandpa's in 86, Michael Haneke's Seventh Continent in 90 and Atom Egoyan's Family Viewing in 88.

As for Reprise, I also do not think I ever saw a Norwegian movie. Cool crowd or not, who has?2 Anyway, breaking another cherry is always exciting.

Oh, my friend, recently, when I think I was describing to him my evening with some friends, said. Or before that evening, earlier that afternoon I went with some people, including the aforementioned friend, let's call him S, to the Cai Guo Qiang exhibition at the Guggenheim.3 The exhibition was decent, in some ways too over the top and too obvious/pretentious, in other ways showcasing the vibrancy and potential in contemporary art: exploding Chevys, 99 wolves, gunpowder paintings, I dig it. Anyway, flashforwarding a bit, we eventually met with some one, let's call this just-met person T, who was pals with another person in our museum visiting crew, closer back around my downtown comfort zone. Then S left because of family commitment, and the rest of us got drinks and snacks, and so forth.

So S's questions the next days pertained to events following his exit. Maybe he didn't ask, maybe I offered to retell that past evening's adventure with those friends. So either it was S asking, in paraphrase, "how was it afterwards?" or it was me recapping, "after you left..." Regardless of the starting point, it was essentially, "dang, T was nonstop with the questions yesterday." T, like I said, was someone else's friend, let's call that someone else person L, and so I didn't really know T and T didn't really know me. To help keep track, so far me, S and L, and one more person, let's call that person P, went to the exhibit, and afterwards, we met with T, who is L's friend.

I do not really know T but had met T once, and not said much to T at that meeting, other than, probably, "hi" or some salutary derivation. Which is kind of what I'll be getting at with this bit. The thing is that I am - despite my obsession with word count in blogscape - very, very uncommunicative.4 Or antisocial. Or shy. Or obnoxious. Or disinterested. And so forth. So.

That evening, for the record, S, as previously stated, is a dude, as is P. L and T? Why, they don't bother with the y's; they gals. That evening, we were taking advantage of happy hour. My drinks were wee-eak, sake-based, but I was dead tired already, too hungover from last night to properly spend a day hiking round Guggenheim's infamous ramp. Strangers for the most part - me and P were old-ish friends, L and T were old friends, me and L were sort of okay-ish friends, P and L were brand spanking new-ish friends, and P and I with T were new friends, S is bounced from these equations because he already split; phew! - there were all that goes into getting better acquainted. Except.

Except, I had a really wacked out dream some nights ago.

Except, love is friendship caught fire.5

Except, something else.

Something else. Clearing my book shelf, you know what I have a lot of? Journals and scrapbooks and other bound blank sheets. Gifts from folks who imagine that I need spare scrap paper to capture inspiration. You know what century we are in? The paperless e-century. Moreover, do you know what white sheets of paper stir in me? Inadequacy.6

Else. Also playing locally this weekend is Joint Security Area. Back when Korean movies mattered, JSA was a suppose high mark. I am not crazy about current hype-darling director Chan Wook Park, but, I assume, this earlier movie will not be over the top with his stylized/fetishized nihilism. But I am loco about the fun cast which gots the reliable Kang Ho Song, the interesting enough Byung Hun Lee, and I can't wait to watch Yeong Ae Lee. Hopefully I will have someone to watch this movie with, which might be tough, as... I don't know, I have no one to go with.

Scheduled to run this year in Subway Cinema's annual Asian movie survey is Happiness.7 Subway Cinema throws one of the hoppingest movie party, to speak of a festival to come as oppose to one that has already concluded, like NDNF. This year's announced lineup thus far is steroid strong. Anyway, Yeong Ae Lee was crazy good in Jin Ho Hur's movie titled One Fine Spring Day. Jin Ho Hur newest, which if unclear is Happiness, should be a return to... oh, I don't know, better than average form? I rather keep expectations low and down. Supposedly, terminal illnesses are crucial elements of the melodrama plot, but hey, ain't like originality has to be squeezed out from every single corner of a movie. The Asian Film Festival normally draws a crowd of friends, or at least one or two others; relatively speaking and these days, 1 + I is a crowd. And, the festival is plenty-of-fun packed. And.

And. Send me stationary to make me horny.8

The cool part is I am pretty into this band called Los Campesinos! that forums/blogs perusing had guided me toward. They are ok, kind of like Natalie Portman's Shaved Head with less synths. Or, does that make them pretty much unlike NPSH? They both got youth, heightened playfulness and a sort of irreverence. Which seems slight foundation for a reference. Okay, maybe this helps: Los Campesinos! are from Wales, signed in America to Wichita Recordings and Arts and Crafts, and dance punk-ish.9

Or, I am as pretty into Los Campesinos! as I can be streaming off the internet, without having bought any of their albums, even though lack of on hand wifi access is the only thing keeping me from hitting iTunes Music Store for the new long play album titled Hold On Now, Youngster. NPSH do not have a proper album out just yet, reportedly July, so I'm psyched for glistening July's pleasures. You know what, I've used MySpace much more than I ever imagine I would. I've also used YouTube much more than I ever imagine I would. Does this mean I'm ready to accept the 21st century? Anyway, if you surf, the My Year in Lists video on the Los Campesinos! website, not awful.10 5!




The not cool part is that, see, at their MySpace page, NPSH do not have NYC down for a tour stop so I may not be watching them. Speaking of that, no, the not cool part is that the e-perusing that led me to Los Campesinos! was earlier this week, like probably on May 20th or so, which is mere days ago (2-ish) as of this sentence's composition, and then of course, once they seem okay, I wanted to see if perhaps they would be visiting my area while/if touring. Checking, it didn't look like NYC was part of their dates. Do bands hate NYC? Do bands hate my attendance? Checking more, guess what? Los Campesinos! had in fact performed locally, pretty much kicked off their new US tour at Hoboken's Maxwells, a magical place that involves bridges or tunnels, with included stops at Williamsburg's Music Hall, a magical place that involves Brooklyn, and just. May. 19th. Monday. at. Bowery Ballroom, a magical place that involves within walking distance for me. Regardless of whether the show(s) would have been sold out, I curse god/destiny/karma/luck/irony/randomness the same. And/or, perhaps, somethings cannot be forced.

What this means, by the time Los Campesinos! or NPSH come round again, you know who will be filling the crowds? Ho hum dwebs Joe/Joan Plebs. Elbow rubbing in the cool crowd party? Stalled.

So. S said my expression when people ask me questions is, apparently, one of constipation. Constipation is a word that I am uncomfortable using, writing, speaking, etc. Maybe it is the imagery or memory's vestiges, or its somewhat vividness, but "constipation" has a harsh sound which is a certain factor for why I poo poo on that word.

So. L, T, P and I were sitting at the Saint Mark Place hangout, drinking off the happy hour specials. Unfamiliarity compelled T to ask, ask, and ask questions of me, and P: how did this, when did that, how was this, repeat, and more as ways to get acquainted. I paused, then sort of answered. Constipation like? The thing is I am never persuaded that blitzkrieg quizzing equates to getting better acquainted. Instead, it is more a game to fill dead time.12 Shy. Obnoxious. Uncommunicative. Disinterested. So forth. And stubborn.

Except that is the thing. I do not like to talk about myself. And I lack all sorts of curiosity. And I do not like to talk about myself. Add in my belief that most casual conversational inquisitions are deadly and seriously inane, what choice left when asked, "so what do you do?" A pinched, strained sour expression? Oh, play along, it's not more than harm-free social vacuity ping pong. Oh but, no thanks. But constipated so?13 There is perhaps a taking oneself too seriously? Seriously, that seriously? And yet, 1720-ish words of this? This? Loosen that grip. And/or pretend better. May, be. I guess there is a difference between something that I more (or less) realize about myself versus something one of my friend, S in this case, points out about me. Guess? What exactly is the difference? Uh, okay. Well. Then. Introspection is an ongoing business. Let's on-go!

Or not. Don't think. Listen. Reply. Repeat.

... everything you think and everything you feel is alright, alright, alright, alright, alright.14

T has red, ruddy cheeks. Like, blooms from constant, severe avuncular pinching. Or she rouged herself in a too dark room. She is plenty cute. And nice enough. Her kid brother skateboards, Reprise is directed by Joachim Trier.

S has no qualms using the word constipation. Nary such expression on his genteel puss however. He skateboarded in his youth.

P has a broken nose proximately caused by me. Which, under the all's well ends well tenet, I find endlessly amusing. No trace of nasal kink.

L has sexy legs. Or, if she every wore a skirt or dress, and better yet thigh high, we would find out. Someday.

Myself? I have a ways to go and on-go; at times, a ways less too, I suppose.


1., with a link to past series.
2. Tough in cheek, other Norwegian flicks have played in past NDNF and other festivals, and have enjoyed distribution.
3. NY Guggenheim. I Want to Believe.
4. 560+ words at this point.
5. Taken from The Perfect Man, a Hillary Duff vehicle directed by Mark Rosman, and quoting an unidentified someone.
6. To the gift givers: thank you, if I haven't already.
8. Taken from My Year in Lists, by Los Campesinos!. And you must confess that at times like these / Hopefulness is tantamount to hopelessness. 4!
9. Arts & Crafts is famed for being Broken Social Scene's label. Wichita is more diverse, starting with Bright Eyes but have landed scores of interesting bands/performers. Both labels attract a certain "sound," which, if familiar, gives a lazy shorthand to explaining the band.
10.; and there is always YouTube if the band site updates.
11. See 8.

12. My pet evocation from Antoine de Saint Exupery's Little Prince: When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters. They never say to you, "What does his voice sound like? What games does he love best? Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand: "How old is he? How many brothers has he? How much does he weigh? How much money does his father make?" Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.
13. Let's include the consideration that S saying constipated could even be a nice way of putting it.
14. Taken from Deceptacon by Le Tigre. In Reprise, there is a party scene that seems de rigueur to its genre. Could have been sustained a touch longer or in greater detail, but quite well done nonetheless. Which is to say, since initiating this: I saw it. Pretty good. YouTube housed trailers here and, if you think Miramax is lame-o, there. Also, learned from the movie: Norway might not be as cold or snow-blanketed as first guessed. ... linoleum floor, linoleum floor / Your lyrics are dumb like a linoleum floor.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Fuck Obama

I have a fairly limited range of political issues that I care about, and most of the time these issues rarely are in play during an election, or, are in play but separated by many degrees. For example, abortion. A president can't overturn Roe v Wade (or O'Connors undue burden formulation, or whatever the present reformulation is) no matter how much he hates women or atheists.1 So voting for a president because of a pro-choice stance is sort of like, well, voting for someone who is a Yankee fan, he'll root for the same team but ain't going to take the field. An example of a sometimes "in play" political issue might be, let's say, Supreme Court nominees. 2004's disaster yielded the ascension of 2 spanking new replacement justices to the highest court. Back then, I was deathly afraid of what could be; today, I live in constant, deathly fear. 08 likely will see at least one Supreme Court seat unseated, because you know good ole JP Stevens probably is waiting for this Nov's election before announcing his retirement; he old. But the Democrats look to be a lock this time around - and worse case, McCain seems to goose-step less to an ultra conservative agenda - so whatever possible makeover in the Supreme Court seems kind of safe.

Anyway, pretty much the only issue I give a shit about this national election cycle is health care. I would not instantly say health care typically is an issue the President has a lot of sway over - standard disclaimer of the primacy of the legislature, the federal bureaucracy, big business and so forth. Yet, and never mind that the USA is way overdue for a comprehensive reassessment of her health care policy, Clinton's quest for the nomination lifts health care to be an issue above the standard campaign MO of over-promise-ignore-delivery.

Or, I should say the only thing I hope to see is universal health care. Mandated universal health care. Which means, for me: Hillary or bust. The other top candidates - and being politically unsophisticated I will describe as thus - approach health care from chiefly the affordability angle. McCain does not care about expanding/universal coverage; and controlling cost is sufficient for him, and his voters. Key buzzword includes "market competition." Which I assume is self explanatory, but if not: status quo.

Obama-wise. First, audacity of hope. Hope, like opium, is religion for the masses.2 I cringe whenever I hear that empty word. And then, it is especially incongruous that Obama shits on small town folks for their refuge in guns and religion, when his calling card to national attention, the 04 Dem Convention warm up keynote, is first "hope" and now with his campaign, another false idol, "change."3 Yeah, you miserable unemployed small town sons and daughters of bitches, gather round the fire and sing your employment spirituals: I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all... That's hope in the face of difficulty, in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope! Oh, de doo da day.4

I understand "hope" or "change" are standard political doubletalk, all candidate steep in that rhetorical bullshit, but much of the Obama phenomena springs from or is premised on it. Obama tells that the least fortunate, the most oppressed, the legions of hopeless should/need to look to a belief of things unseen or a belief that better days are ahead; that they should not expect government to solve all their problems; that people can/should rely instead on mysterious deep in the bones sense that a slight change in government priority could lead to a decent shot at life with doors of opportunity staying open - that, to me, is wholly repellent, and makes Obama a complete letdown. Most people are being crushed to hopelessness. Most Americans are being crushed to hopelessness. Hoping is not audacious. Which is probably to say that I am colored against Obama from the get go and generally.

Anyway, fine, it is unfair to cherry pick apart Obama's statements. Let's cut to the chase. Obama pays lip service to universal health care but he ain't down with mandated universal health care.5 As criticism, Obama implies that mandated universal health care, and of course Clinton, somehow stinks because it "force[s] people who don't have health insurance to buy it."6 Obama mysteriously contends universal health care means anyone who wants it can get it. Again, affordability. Let's assume the hope Obama was referring to was not some stupid blind optimism but he is talking about something more substantial. Oh wait, at least in this instant, we can't. You can pick it: disingenuous, naive, dumb, delusional, weak, mental ill, out of touch, elitist, simple; regardless, it's not good for Obama. People do not have and will not get health insurance for a variety of reasons. Affordability may be one part of it; but even if health insurance was affordable, without a mandate, the rest of the varieties may, and in fact does(!), prevail in folks staying uninsured. And while I would not mind letting those who have different priorities suffer when they confront their health crisis, unfortunately their suffering bear adversely against those responsible minded health insurance enrolled folks.7 Dude, let's eradicate the slander that says a sick person with no health care does not want health care.8

There it is. Obama as of recently had been front running the Democratic nomination process.9 It is a fair perception that Clinton's admission that a possible enforcement mechanism for mandated health care would be wage garnishment would hurt her chances, because wage garnishment - just the words itself - is scary, unpopular and confusing. Back in the what would be the eventual dark days of 2004, I expressed admiration for Kerry speaking out for minimum wage hikes and increased fuel economy even when it put him in a more difficult position with the general electorate and his traditional democratic base, because despite the political risk he stood behind his belief. I feel the same way for Clinton in this instance. It is mandated universal health care or bust for her too. I accept that political reality that compromise based government and big business pressure would sap some of the teeth from Clinton's health care plan. But a discussion that initiates from Obama's watered down starting position, those bitter small town losers will stay wallowed in their frustrations. A Obama nomination win would be the ruin of a beautiful dream/hope of universal health care, a dream that Clinton has fought on behalf of and urged the hopeless to expect and demand.10

Now, saying/writing "fuck Obama" might seem extreme or hyperbolic.11 But as mandated universal health care is the only thing I care about this national election cycle and a nomination of Obama is going to fuck up a fundamental step forward for America and Americans: in seriousness, fuck Obama.12


1. (Masculine because, so far, the top seat has been all dudes.)
2. (Whee! Which really, in terms of scope and length of detrimental effect, is the more accurate order of relating things.)
3. ( has the small town snafu, which I feel was overblown but a legitimate criticism against Obama. has the keynote speech. The breaks aren't the best with the keynote link but google on your own if you want a more natural formatting.)
4. (Blazing Saddles.)
5. (Never mind that a significant piece of his health care scheme is mandated (for the kids) and the penalties associated with preventing people from scamming under his system sounds mandate-esque.)
6. (From Jan 2008 debate between Clinton and Obama I believe, but probably repeated in some variation in one of the hundreds of other debates since. Which ain't saying I don't want more debates, because I do. And yes, that's a shot at Obama.)
7. (Okay, I assume none of you are as disingenuous, naive, dumb, delusional, weak, mental ill, out of touch, elitist, simple, etc. and can figure out the non affordability reasons and how the non insured would severely strain the system for the insured. Of course, if the answer is not coming too easy for you, no prob, ask and I will reply.)
8. (Modesty aside, I so wish Clinton would say something like this somewhere.)
9. (Ha. Recently = as of three week or so ago, which was, like, when I started this, I don't mind if you characterize this as such, screed.)
10. (By the way, despite favoring Clinton on the health care thing, single payer health care should be the way to go. And yes, go left! HR 676.)
11. (Though not the motley racists, radicals, political saboteurs, simpletons, and everyday, common sensed or not, folks who have already gotten i-mileage from the phrase, as I googled.)
12. (I'd be open if you have dirt on Clinton too. Or counterpoints for some Obama loving. Though at this point, I'm ready to go third party.)